About This Course
Welcome to our Education Sharing Course! In this course, you will be guided to a deep understanding of the implementation of Google Cloud Function, Free Hosting Github Pages, and JavaScript. We not only provide written materials but also offer the opportunity for hands-on practice to apply the knowledge you acquire.
This course will be conducted by two Computer Science students from the University of Logistics and International Business. They will share their knowledge and experiences in using the latest technologies. Don't miss this opportunity to join and enhance your understanding of the latest developments in the world of technology.
In this Education Sharing course, we prioritize simplicity in the requirements. Only a basic understanding of Google Cloud, Github, and JavaScript is needed. Consequently, this course is open to individuals with various backgrounds and skill levels. For those who wish to go beyond the fundamental understanding, we also encourage hands-on practice. Therefore, participants are advised to open their laptops or PCs. This way, they can follow practical steps and gain direct experience in implementing the knowledge acquired.
Course Staff
Fitrah Ali Akbar Setiawan
Fitrah Ali Akbar Setiawan is a fifth-semester student majoring in Computer Science at the University of Logistics and International Business. During his time on campus, he has accumulated valuable experiences and explored various aspects of programming.
Fitrah actively engages in exploring various topics related to programming throughout his academic journey. His experiences at the university have equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of the field. As a fifth-semester student, Fitrah continues to expand his knowledge and skills in Programming.
Ibrohim Mubarok
Ibrohim Mubarok is a fifth-semester student majoring in Computer Science at the University of Logistics and International Business. During his time on campus, he has accumulated valuable experiences and explored various aspects of programming.
Ibrohim actively engages in exploring various topics related to programming throughout his academic journey. His experiences at the university have equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of the field. As a fifth-semester student, Ibrohim continues to expand his knowledge and skills in Programming.